tour tu uzbekistan and turkmenistan 

1 DAY: ITALIA – TASHKENT (flight + 12 km) 

Departure from Italy with UZBEKISTAN AIRWAYS flight and arrival in Tashkent. Border operations and meeting with the local guide for transfer to the hotel (12 km) and overnight.  

2 DAY: TASHKENT – NUKUS (excursion + flight)

Breakfast. Excursion the old city, “eski shakhar”, looks like a maze of narrow dusty alleys overlooking low brick and mud houses, mosques and ancient madrassas (Islamic academies). The Khodja Akhrar Mosque (1404-1490), the Mausoleum of the Sheikh Zaynutdun, with the underground cell dating back to the 12th century. Barakkhan’s madrassa is a splendid 16th century Koranic school, whose square is filled with worshipers on Fridays during the weekly prayer; Nearby is the small Jami mosque, dating back to the fifteenth century and used in Soviet times as a workshop for sheet metal working. The Chorsu bazaar is a huge open-air market, next to the Kukeldash madrassa, frequented by a multitude of people from the surrounding countryside who usually wears traditional costumes, the holy madrassa called Khast Imam, of particular interest is the Tillya Sheykh Mosque, of the 16th century, in which is preserved what is considered the oldest existing Koran, marked with the blood of the same Caliph Osman, murdered in 655., the Barak Khan, founded in the sixteenth century. from a descendant of Tamerlano, the mausoleum Kafal Shashi, tomb of the homonymous poet and philosopher of Islam who lived from 904 to 979. The lack of ancient buildings in this city is compensated by the presence of large museums such as the Museum of Applied Arts inaugurated in 1937 as a showcase for the end of the century applied arts. Early in the morning transfer to the local airport (terminal 3) and departure for Nukus with the local flight HY-017 19.30 – 21.15. Overnight at Hotel.

 3 DAY: NUKUS – MOYNAQ – NUKUS (420 km total + excursion) 

Breakfast. Transfer to Moynaq (210 km). Excursion to the CEMETERY OF BOATS… It is located to the south part of the Aral Lake, on the former Uscisay island. You can visit the small museum of Moynaq also. Return to Nukus. Overnight at Hotel.

 4 DAY: NUKUS – ELLIKKALA – KHIVA (220 km total + excursion) 

Breakfast, excursion to the Savitskiy museum – LOUVR of the desert. Transfer to Ellikkala, visit of the castles (kala), are located in the Kizilkum desert in the Urgench and Khiva area. Toprak Kala Castle is 75 km north-east from Khiva. The castle was built during the Eftalitlar period (3rd-4th century AD). From the castle of Toprak Kala, you can also see excavations of castle Ayaz Kala, villages, which built in the VI-VII century BC. Departure for Khiva. Hotel accommodation. Dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight at Hotel.

 5 DAY :KHIVA (excursion)

Breakfast. Visit Madrasa Mohammed Amin Khan, Kalta Minor, the old Kukhna Ark Fortress. (with the Zidon, the Khan prison, the summer mosque, the mint, the archaeological museum, the bastion Oq Shihbobo, the tower of 24 m, the winter Mosque the Madrasa of Mohammed Rahkim Khan, the seat of the Silk Carpet, the Mausoleum Pahlavon Mohammed, the Mausoleum of Sayid Alauddin, the Madrasa / Mosque of Sherghozi Khan, the Madrasa Islom, the Mausoleum of Uch Avlya, the Juma Mosque, the Madrasa of Dost Alyam, the Tosh-Khovli Palace and the Madrasa of Kutlimurodimok, the Madrasa of Alloquli Khan the typical bazaar and the Alloqulihon caravanserai, the Ab Mosque, the Baths of Anusha Khan, and the adjoining slave market Dinner in a local restaurant Overnight at the hotel.

 6 DAY :KHIVA – SHAVAT (frontiera UZB-TURKM)- (330 km)

09:00 Arrival at the border. Formalities. Visit to the historical site of Kunya Urgench (“Kunya Urgench” contains the surviving monuments: mausoleums of Il Arslan 12th century, Sultan Tekesh 12th century, Turebeck Khanym 14th century, Najm addin Cubra 14th and Sultan Ali 16th century, minaret of Kutluk Timur 14th century (probably started at 11th) 62 meters high, the oldest brick construction in Central Asia, the capital of Khwarezm had the greatest power in the 11th – 13th century, it exceeded the population and the fame of other cities of the Silk Road of Central Asia was razed to the ground by Genghis Khan, on the way of Central Asia.After the rebirth in the 14th century, the city was abandoned forever because of the change of course of the river Amudarya and new destruction this time by Timur in 1370, afterwards the new city of Urgench was built in the current Uzbekistan, since 2005, has become a UNESCO world heritage site, guided tour and continuation to Darvaza, arrival , us quote from the road and follow the desert trails to get to the crater of burning gas. ng. Enjoy the view of the gas crater at night. Overnight in a tent.

 7 DAY: Darvaza- Ashgabat, 257 km

The exploration of the crater gases continues along the way. Transfer to Ashgabat. Stop for photos along the way.

Arrival in Ashgabat. Check in htl. Free time. Overnight at the hotel.

 8 DAY: Ashgabat- Mary/ VOLO Gonur- Merv total around 200 km

06:00 A.M flight to Mary. Immediate transfer to the archaeological site of Gonur. visits

Departure to the Merv historical park (one of the famous cities on the ancient silk road, with more than 2500 years of history, declared a World Heritage Site since 1999. It is located 26 km east of Mary, the first ruins have appeared on the outskirts of the city of Bayram Ali. Its immense domain contains five main sites (Erk Kala, Gyaur Kala, Sultan Kala, Abdullah Khan Kala, Bayram Ali Khan Kala) and numerous remains of caravanserai, fortresses, fortified castles and towns or estates now visible in the form of mounds, the total area is about 70 sq. km. As Gonur, the Merv in turn appeared, thanks to the Murgab River, which flowed in the area in ancient times: routes: Kunya Urgench to the north, Bukhara and Samarcanda ( Sogdiana) to the east, Herat (Bactria) to the south, Mashad (Iran) to the west To see: Alexandria Margiana, Antioch Margiana remains, Sultan Kala, Sultan Ahmad Sanjar mausoleum, sanctuary Yusuf Hamadany, mausoleum of Mohammed ibn Zaid, castles of Gyz Kala: I arrive at Mary. Check in htl. Overnight at Hotel. 

9 DAY: Mary- Merv- Farap frontiera ritorno in Uzbekistan/ 270 km+80 km

Transfer to the Farap border. Cross the Amu Darya river along the way. Arrival at the border. Formalities. Return to Uzbekistan. Transfer to Bukhara. Overnight at Hotel.

10 DAY: BUKHARA (excursion)

Breakfast. Day dedicated to the visit of Bukhara. We will visit the Ismail Samani Mausoleum, the remains of the ancient walls, the Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum, the Bolo-Hauz Mosque, the Ark ll fortress in Zindon, the prison, the Registan square “sandy place”, the Kalon Minaret the Mosque of Kalon, the Madrasa of Mir-i-Arab the old Madrasa of Amir Khan, the bazaar Taqi-Zarganon, the Madrasa of Abul Aziz Khan; the Madrasa of Ulugbek, the market Tim Abdullah Khan, the Taqi-Telpak Furushon, a short tour in the Jewish ghetto the Lyabi Hauz Square, the Maghoki Attar Mosque, the Taqi-Sarrafon the Nadir Divanbegi Mosque, Nadir Divanbegi’s Madrasa; the Khanaka (hostel). It ends with the visit of the Char Minar, (in Tajik “four minarets”). Overnight at Hotel.

11 DAY: BUKHARA (excursion)

Breakfast at hotel. Excursion to the city’s capital. Near Bukhara is the memorial complex of the patron saint of Bukhara, the Sheikho Bakha ad-Din Nakshband. (16th century) – Nakshbnad (1318-1389), founder of the tarikat “nakshbandiya” of suffism. Naqshbendiya is one of the most widespread orders in the Sufi Muslim world. Religious complex, the place is sacred for Muslims. The complex is always full of Muslim pilgrims who bring the offerings for the saint elect prayers. Sitorai-Mokhi-Khosa (until the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century) – “where the moon meets the stars”. Located 6 km, north of Bukhara. The new Sitorai-Mokhi-Khosa complex was built during the reign of Alim Khan. Complex is composed of the construction of the mixed architecture between the Russian one and the traditional one of Bukhara. You visit the throne room of the emir – “the white hall”, the harem and the guest room. Free time in the afternoon. Overnight at Hotel.

After breakfast, departure for Shakhrisabz. Visit to the mausoleum of the Tamerlano family. Visit of the Ak-Saray Palace, its summer residence, The imposing portal “White Gate”, the Khazrati-Imam complex, the tomb of Jehangir, the Crypt of Tamerlane, the Kok-Gumbaz Mosque complex, (Friday Mosque , from the “Blue Dome”) under the protection of Unesco of the Mausoleum of Sheikh Shamseddin Kulyal, of the Sayidan Mausoleum. At the end of the visits departure for Samarkand. Overnight at Hotel.

 13 DAY: SAMARCANDA (excursion)

Breakfast. Full day dedicated to visiting the city: starting from the Ulugbek museum and observatory, the evocative Shakhi-Zindah, the Mosque & Mausoleum of Bibi-Khanym. Then we move on to the ancient part of the city: the Guri Amir mausoleum, the splendid Registan Square, the Ultrasbek Madrasa or the Star Madrasa, the Sher Dor Madrasa or the Madrasa dei Leoni and the Tilla-Kari Madrasa or the Madrasa of the Mosque ‘gold. Overnight at Hotel.


Breakfast. Hike the ruins of Afrosiab (ancient name of Samarkand) and the Museum of Afrosiab, whose main attraction is the famous King’s Room. Then visit the tomb of the prophet Daniel, Siyob bazaar of the local people of the city. Tashkent transfer. Overnight at Hotel.


Breakfast. Completion of visits and transfer to the airport for departure.


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