Distances between tourist centers and most important cities of Uzbekistan
Distances between cities of Uzbekistan (in kilometres)
Tashkent | Andijan | Gulistan | Djizzakh | Qarshi | Navoi | Namangan | Nukus | Samarkand | Termez | Fergana | Urgench | ||
Tashkent | 350 | 600 | 115 | 200 | 430 | 480 | 290 | 1150 | 300 | 680 | 315 | 1000 | |
Andijan | 350 | 875 | 395 | 525 | 750 | 765 | 61 | 1400 | 600 | 970 | 71 | 1300 | |
Bukhara | 600 | 875 | 470 | 363 | 167 | 120 | 825 | 550 | 265 | 440 | 840 | 440 | |
Gulistan | 115 | 395 | 470 | 110 | 360 | 375 | 345 | 1005 | 220 | 557 | 370 | 890 | |
Djizzakh | 200 | 525 | 363 | 110 | 250 | 265 | 450 | 900 | 100 | 467 | 470 | 785 | |
Qarshi | 430 | 750 | 167 | 360 | 250 | 250 | 700 | 710 | 150 | 273 | 725 | 600 | |
Navoi | 480 | 765 | 120 | 375 | 265 | 250 | 705 | 645 | 155 | 495 | 730 | 610 | |
Namangan | 290 | 61 | 825 | 345 | 450 | 700 | 705 | 1338 | 542 | 905 | 80 | 1225 | |
Nukus | 1150 | 1400 | 550 | 1005 | 900 | 710 | 645 | 1338 | 790 | 985 | 1365 | 136 | |
Samarkand | 300 | 600 | 265 | 210 | 100 | 150 | 155 | 542 | 790 | 378 | 578 | 680 | |
Termez | 680 | 970 | 440 | 577 | 467 | 273 | 495 | 905 | 985 | 378 | 945 | 870 | |
Fergana | 315 | 71 | 840 | 370 | 470 | 725 | 730 | 80 | 1365 | 578 | 945 | 1260 | |
Urgench | 1000 | 1300 | 440 | 890 | 785 | 600 | 531 | 1225 | 136 | 680 | 870 | 1260 |
Please note that distance between cities may vary due to road constructions and diversions, as well as due to the different starting points of the initial and the final destination, the speedometer error, different diameter of tires, etc
Table of distances between some tourist resorts and cities in Uzbekistan and neighboring countries
City | Distance (km) |
Samarkand – Gijduvan | 235 |
Samarkand – Nurata | 190 |
Nurata – Aydarkul Lake yurt | 60 |
Nurata – Bukhara | 170 |
Fergana – Kokand | 90 |
Fergana – Andijan | 85 |
Fergana – Margilan | 17 |
Khiva – Ayazkala (Yurt camp) | 100 |
Urgench – Khiva | 35 |
Andijan – Dustlik (Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan border) | 50 |
Nukus – Khodjeyli (Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan border) | 30 |
Khiva – Shavat (Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan border) | 55 |
Bukhara – Alat (Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan border) | 100 |
Samarkand – Jartepa (Uzbekistan-Tajikistan border) | 60 |
travel uzbekistan
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