How many days do you need to visit Uzbekistan?

Ceramica in Uzbekistan

How many days do you need to see Uzbekistan?


How many days do you need to visit Uzbekistan? To see “the main” (but not all) of Uzbekistan you need at least 8-9 days. There is the classic 8-day trip. In 8 days you can see the main monuments of Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand.

How many days to visit Uzbekistan on a trip is up to each individual. It’s a personal matter.

Most tourists and travelers in organized groups to visit Uzbekistan choose 8 days or 9 days. They are the “classic tour” that in 9 days make you visit Tashkent – Khiva – Bukhara – Samarkand.

How many days

Tour Classic

9 days trip

But in recent years tour operators who organize trips to Uzbekistan are noticing that if they are large groups then they stay in Uzbekistan 8 days.

For private tours to Uzbekistan, 10-12 days are needed. That is, if they are small groups of friends or acquaintances, they prefer to stay in Uzbekistan 10-12 days. So they can calmly visit the main attractions of the country.

how many days in Uzbekistan

12 days trip

Tour Uzbekistan 12 days

How many days do you need for a long tour?

For a long tour you can need 10-15 days. Uzbekistan is rich in different tourist attractions besides the one mentioned above. If you go beyond Khiva you can visit the “kala”.

If you go further you arrive in Nukus with its beautiful Savitsky art history museum.

quanti giorni

15 days

15 days trip in Uzbekistan

Often tourists go to see the Fergana Valley with the cities of Kokand, Rishtan, Margilan.

So it is difficult to say how many days are needed to see Uzbekistan. Everyone decides depending on the days available to travel and depending on what they want to visit in Uzbekistan and other countries of Central Asia.

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